An amazing development in keyhole surgery has been the use of remotely-operated robots to perform minimally invasive procedures. Keyhole surgery means that the surgeon’s hands do not need to be inside the patient – all cuts and stitches are carried out by delicate instruments inserted through the keyhole incisions. This has made it possible for these instruments to be operated mechanically by a surgeon at a console that does not necessarily need to be in the same room, the same hospital – or indeed, the same country. In 2000, the US Federal Drug Administration approved a robotic keyhole system called ‘da Vinci’ for clinical use. In conventional keyhole surgery, the surgeon must stand and transfer his gaze between the instruments and the display screen. However, da Vinci allows the surgeon to be seated – for greater comfort during lengthy procedures. Two endoscopes give full stereoscopic vision, while hand and foot controls are used to operate the instruments simultaneously and with greater range of movement than that permitted by human hand and wrist joints. In the future, a top surgical specialist in the US could operate on an injured soldier on a faraway battlefield.
amazing (adj) | : şaşırtıcı |
surgery (n) | : cerrahi (müdahale), operasyon |
remotely (adv) | : uzaktan kumanda edilen |
procedure (n) | : yöntem, prosedür |
patient (n) | : hasta |
carry out (phrv) | : yapmak, yerine getirmek |
surgeon (n) | : cerrah |
necessarily (adv) | : ille de, muhakkak |
approve (v) | : onaylamak |
screen (n) | : ekran |
lengthy (adj) | : çok uzun |
simultaneously (adv) | : eş zamanlı şekilde, aynı anda |
movement (n) | : hareket |
wrist (n) | : bilek |
injured (adj) | : yaralı |
battlefield (n) | : savaş alanı |
1) It is stated in the passage that ----.
A) the US Federal Drug Administration’s approval of da Vinci paved the path to robotic surgery
B) conventional keyhole surgery is different from robotic keyhole surgery in that it takes less time
C) one advantage of robotic keyhole surgery is that it is more comfortable for the surgeon
D) conventional keyhole surgery is less tiring to carry out for surgeons since they use less equipment
E) in conventional keyhole surgery surgeons have to be seated to pay attention to the equipment
2) According to the passage, in conventional keyhole surgery, ----.
A) the surgeon’s hands enter the patient’s body
B) incisions are larger than those in robotic surgery
C) very few instruments are used during operations
D) surgeons might have a rest during operations
E) manual movements are much more restricted
3) It is understood from the passage that ----.
A) da Vinci is a robotic surgeon that is able to carry out operations on its own
B) conventional keyhole surgery is highly suitable for lengthy and tiring operations
C) surgeons have to stand up while carrying out an operation in robotic keyhole surgery
D) in robotic surgery surgeons can use their four limbs during the operation
E) the use of remotely operated robots in surgery is a mainstream practice in the US
1) C
2) E
3) D
An amazing development in keyhole surgery has been the use of remotely-operated robots to perform minimally invasive procedures.
Kapalı cerrahide (anahtar deliği cerrahisi) şaşırtıcı bir gelişme minimal invazif işlemleri yapmak için uzaktan kumanda edilen robotların kullanılmasıdır.
Keyhole surgery means that the surgeon’s hands do not need to be inside the patient – all cuts and stitches are carried out by delicate instruments inserted through the keyhole incisions.
Kapalı cerrahi cerrahın ellerinin hastanın içine girmesine gerek olmaması anlamına gelir - tüm kesikler ve dikişler anahtar deliği kesiği yoluyla içeri sokulan hassas aletler tarafından yapılmaktadır.
This has made it possible for these instruments to be operated mechanically by a surgeon at a console that does not necessarily need to be in the same room, the same hospital – or indeed, the same country.
Bu işlem bu aletlerin bir konsolda aynı odada, aynı hastanede ya da aslında aynı ülkede bile olması gerekmeyen bir cerrah tarafından çalıştırılmasını mümkün kılmaktadır.
In 2000, the US Federal Drug Administration approved a robotic keyhole system called ‘da Vinci’ for clinical use.
2000 yılında Amerika Federal İlaç Kurumu klinik kullanım için Da Vinci adı verilen robotik anahtar deliği sistemini onayladı.
In conventional keyhole surgery, the surgeon must stand and transfer his gaze between the instruments and the display screen.
Geleneksel kapalı sistemde cerrah cerrah ayakta durmalı ve gözleri süreli aletlerle görüntü ekranı arasında gidip gelmeli.
However, da Vinci allows the surgeon to be seated – for greater comfort during lengthy procedures.
Ancak Da Vinci , uzun süreç boyunca daha rahat olması için, cerrahın oturmasına izin veriyor.
Two endoscopes give full stereoscopic vision, while hand and foot controls are used to operate the instruments simultaneously and with greater range of movement than that permitted by human hand and wrist joints.
Aletleri eş zamanlı ve insan eli ve bilek eklemlerinin verdiğinden dağa geniş bir hareket alanıyla kullanmak için el ve ayak kontrolleri kullanılırken, iki endoskop tam steroskopik görüntü sağlamaktadır.
In the future, a top surgical specialist in the US could operate on an injured soldier on a faraway battlefield.
Gelecekte Amerikada üst düzey bir cerrah çok uzaktaki bir savaş alanındaki yaralı bir askeri ameliyat edebilecek.
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